Who we are?

CELESTIAL ORA feels privileged, sending you the greetings of the day.A new born rising star in the field of beauty and wellness wish to introduce our existence. CELESTIAL ORA products are manufactured under the supervision of qualified ayurvedic doctors.

Assurance and Gurantee

Pure gold foil, organic and genuine ingredients, natural, essential oils, diamond dust, herbs, and 100% quality control. Under the watchful vision of experts is our salient feature and to produce the best, our mission.


Our Research

Change is inevitable and so is the need for a continuous never ending effort in the search for the ultimate.
Headed by young and promising entrepreneurs from many diversified fields , we, at CELESTIAL ORA felt the urge to venture out in this field with the support of trusted , experienced and those with the required expertise of the veterans and specialists who feel the very pulse of the industry and its vast potential in the coming future .


Our Concerns

Generations of humans have gradually suffered the global climatic change and the need to survive the ongoing slaughter of fauna and flora and depletion of natural resources, damaging the very foundation of hygiene, health, mentally and physically including other needs for the humans wellbeing envisaged in the coming future. The race for daily survival is such that the beauty has taken a back seat, second or no priority and definitely a blow in terms of priority which is but, a silent witness to a set back to the life itself.


Our Expertise

Though having a diversified field in the industry related to technology, I.T, marketing, administration, counseling, consultancy, nutrition, we always are on a quest to find new, authentic and genuine sources who would share this platform with us to jointly lead the mankind into a healthy and beautiful society.



We, CELESTIAL ORA, with a solemn oath and a wish to rekindle the love for self in the humans, have initiated our first baby steps in this industry, and we, solicit your support.